Start: | Apr 22, '06 |
Location: | Earth, where else? |
Friday, April 21, 2006
It's my 20th Birthday!!!
Start: | Jul 5, '06 2:00p |
Location: | Undecided |
My love Cogie's 21st Birthday!!!
Start: | Aug 15, '06 |
Location: | I have no clue! |
Sunday, April 9, 2006
UNTITLED? Arts and Music Exhibition
Start: | Apr 12, '06 7:00p |
Location: | @ DRUE Bar and Resto (front of UMC) |
free admission!
POETRY by Cavite Young Writers Association
a production of W8 (pronounced as WAIT) A MINUTE
[[@ DRUE bar and resto (former friomixx in-front of
U.M.C. dasmariñas cavite)]]
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Getting there
~These posts are imported from my Prisoner of Eternity blog, enjoy!~
I was on my way home from school this morning when this woman sitting between me and the jeepney driver... break winded! Ahaha... To make it easier to understand, the woman simply farted. Ew! Luckily, I sat by the door. That was really disgusting. I bet half of the jeep heard it and smelled it too since they were behind. I'm not gonna sit in that part of the jeep again, atleast without anybody I know. The only people I remembering sitting there with is Val, Wilbert, my mom, and my cousins. Heck! Reminds of the BSB concert, the aisle was crowded, teeming with ecstatic fans when all hell broke loose... Haha! 'Di na nahiya! Buti 'di ko sya kilala. EW!
Things are getting better. I found Victor Basa's LiveJournal. Haha... I'm so proud of myself! Malapit na! I will find something on Cogie. I just know it. And, oh, by the way, I found some pictures of Penshoppe's P4P [Pledge4Progress] pictures, but I only chose those with Cogie in it. Another picture with him smoking. I don't really mind. Smoking doesn't make him less of the Cogs that I loved, hehe... Even if it's just in my dreams. I also found names with possible connections with him like Doris and Ana. Hmmm... Who are they? I have no idea!
Someone told me I needed some shameless self promotion. How do I start? You tell me. Firstly, I'm too shy to flaunt, secondly, I quitted my band [and I'm glad I did!], and thirdly... uh?.. I'm so lazy to do anything. Haha... Nice, huh? I have ideas but Ihaven't started it just yet. They are so M:I [read ~ Mission:Impossible or just M:LP, Less Possibility]. Help me, help me! Anybody!
I'm not obsessed with Pinoy celebrities. NO, never. I just wanna be like them, I wanna be in their circle. It's the brightest idea I have to get to... who else! Haha... It's him alright. I can't stop thinking of YOU. Hurrrr!
I just love Ice Age 2! Still playing in my head, like a song giving me that LAst Song Syndrome. I still can hear Diego saying, "He's the gooey, sticky stuff that keeps us together...", And Sid, "He's tons of fun and you're no fun at all. She completes you." [*smiles sheepishly*], Manny with, "I'm the daddy, Ellie will be the mommy, and Diego, the uncle who eats the children...", Ellie, "This morning I woke up possum and now I'm a mammoth", Eddie and Crash, the possum saying, "Dung patch?", "My legs, I can move!", "He can move!", "I can run!", "He can run!", "It's a miracle!", "Hallelujiah!". Haha... I simply love it. I was thinking a concept for the next movie Ice Age 3. Hmmm... Manny and Ellie already has babies. Diego's former pack of sabertooths is back for revenge. The kid they saved in the first movie has grown up. Poachers are after them, and this time the kid saves them. I will wait for that third movie. Animated movies are so inspiring! I wanna be one of the artists that bring them to life. That is the career I wanna pursue after college. I'm not a good programmer, and I heard it's boring. I wanna give life to my childhood fantasies. I will make my own 4d animation someday, and the stars... the folks of my fantasies. I'm writing them down and probably have them printed as a children. I wanna make my own Bestsellers. I can make that dream come true with not much effort unlike in my Performing Arts, you'll need connections or get discovered which will take years and I'm not sure if I have enough patience for such undertaking.
I think I'm starting to sound like Sid. Haha... Cuteness!
I just have so many dreams, and talents to go with it but I don't have much support but, hey! I'll get there, in time. *sigh* In time...
I will make a website for Cogie someday, I just have to learn some more things and then I'm off...
Ays' Birthday
Start: | Apr 8, '06 12:00a |
Location: | Sa bahay. |
The Incredibles Asian TV Premiere
Start: | Apr 22, '06 7:00p |
Location: | Disney Channel |
Gospel of Judas
Start: | Apr 9, '06 10:00p |
Location: | National Geographics Channel |
The Ice Age characters are still talking in my head. Awww... I wanna see it again!
I was on YM earlier with Mhel in webcam. Haha! Hi, Mhellow! You're telegenic or should I say, "webcameogenic"! He's so cute with all the making faces, and the beautiful eyes... Hehe... I replied to his latest post and he told me that it wasn't really his birthday. Hehe... I think I just didn't read the entry well or my brain is still in hibernation. Oooohh!
I was going to write something about some Pinoy celebrities but I thought I'd rather not or the others may get me wrong and I don't wanna offend certain people. I'm trying to be nice just this once. Hehe...
I haven't talked to my tropa for almost a month now and I was lucky to catch Val online and asked him how his internship was and he said, "Tataba ako sa munisipyo, pakain nang pakain", then signed off. Nice. I do see Patrick go online but I don't know what to ask, Jerome want to play FS with me but I just don't catch him but we send messages, Mac rarely goes online but he replied to my PM in Friendster, and the rest... No news. I guess bonding will have to wait till June. Haaay!
We are drifting away from each other once again, but this time I'm afraid it'll not be so far from saying goodbye forever. Not sure what will happen next but whatever it is, I pray it'll be for the good of everyone. I just hope he'll never forget that I will always care even if I sport otherwise. Sorry...
Weird, but I had/am having this dream that I do not actually remember what exactly but I do know that I love that dream. Maybe I'm thinking too much. Haha...
Statistics isn't really as hard as I thought it'd be, well atleast not for now. It was cool as breeze but this Summer class and summer itself isn't as friendly as it was last year. I've seen familiar but not so friendly faces. The aura in the classroom is just neutral. No vibe of friendliness, nothing so exciting about going to class [except seeing Edd next door, I wonder what his class is], no nothing. The people just feels so... dull. I'm glad I know someone from last Sem, Mitch from our Psychology class, another guy from the same Psych class [forgot his name], and Sonel from LAN. The rest is... Ugh! Mostly were from CLA, which I suppose explains the aura but I did imagine myself becoming a CLA student but... Grrr! I hate their [those in class] energy level because it's like +1 down to negative something. Dunno! There are lots to be discovered since it's only the first week, and till then.. I hope they change. Yun lang.
Still no sign of Cogie anywhere. I did try something crazy [one of the dozens I've plotted] to get in touch with him but it just didn't work. Well, I'm not running out of ideas but I'm not sure how to start my operations or how on earth am I going to make them work. Heck! The stars will help, they always did and I will... beg them! Waaah!
Plans fail and I've already expected it so it didn't really hurt. I don't think there will be piano lessons for me this summer. Eager as i am right now to re-learn, there are things that is totally out of my control and I just have to accept how things turn out. I'll still pray to get what I want but... basta! we'll see na lang.
Embarrassing as it is, I think it's stupid but kids make me cry. Well, It's so frustrating to see poeple younger than I am achieve more in life than I do and succeed in your frustrations. You wanna be 'this' but you can't 'cause of 'that', you compare yourself to these kids, and you start to think that if you were given the same opportunity when you were their age, you know you just would have done better. I'm not that old, I'm just turning 20 a few months from now but... Argh! *sigh* I can't help but think, "That could've been me". I believe God has plans for all of us but I would prefer to have it all, be "it"... It makes me feel too old to do things. For almost two decades now, I have been a dreamy-eyed child. I appreciate that I got the very few people appreciate my potentials but it seems that I just can't get people to help me appreciate myself and reach for my star. Too much or too little, I demand it! I blame them because I just got tired of blaming myself. I wanna make changes but... I dunno, I'm totally lost.
On the lighter side, I'm still considering a new layout, my own. I just need time to learn how to. I still haven't encoded anything on the first one that I made. Help!
It's late, gotta go to bed, maaga pa 'ko bukas! Nyty! [Umaga na pala, 12:10am] *Kisses*
Monday, April 3, 2006
Vibes of Summer
Translation, nevermind. Let those who know the language understand, and let those who do not remain ignorant. There are just some things that are too much for me to handle. Like the Spice Girls said, too much of something is bad enough. Hint: I've decided to leave the band for good. I will still play with my friend but not for ES, not even if they change their name. There are just some things that I won't take any more of. Not, no more.
Why do I feel like things aren't gonna work? My plans are taking unlikely turns and I'm not liking it. Something is wrong but I don't know what. And basta... I'll update you later when I figure things out.
Someone said something to me that I did not understand but sounded bad. I got offended. It has something to do with money and... I'm making it one of the factors to... forget things. I know she can be vulgar but I never thought I'd hear it from her, atleast not in my face, whatever that is that she said. Buh-bye na lang, Biatch!
On the other hand... Haha! To my "Popular" HS Batchmates, a big round of har-hars goes out from me to you. 'Asan na kayo? I knew 'he' was right when he called you "magagaling". Di kasi kayo nagtatanong eh. 'Kala n'yo kayo lang ang magaling. Haha! Kayo lang sikat, kayo lang magaling, kayo lang ang masusunod. Haha! Your popularity didn't really serve you well, atleast not after highschool. Yeah, I'm being bitter, sourgraping... Call it what you want, all I know is I'm right. Haha... Har-har sa inyong lahat, BOW!

I went to see Ice Age 2 last Saturday and it freaking rocks and uber cool! There were a lot of new characters like the two possums, Eddie and Crash, one of which reminds me of Shaun because of this gesture he makes [a knock on the chest, and a peace sign], Ellie, the female mammoth, Fast Toni, the armadillo, the two water predators, a tribe of miniature sloths and a lot more animals. Scrat is at it again! He's that squirrel running after his chestnut... Haha! He's been through a lot for that nut. You should see it. I went to see it alone but it never stopped me from laughing. The story went around Manny, thought he's the last mammoth on earth, Sid, trying to prove himself, Diego [My fave character], fighting his fear of water and Ellie realizing that she isn't a possum but a mammoth. It still has that certain something that made us love the first movie and it had a lot of water splashing, flowing everywhere. I love everything about the movie. I will definitely add that to my collection. I will buy a copy of the film when it comes out on video. It's, actually, the first movie I've seen this year and buena manos are always a sign good things to come.
I was just reading Maxene Magalona's blog and I find it weird. Haha... Wala lang.
Man, I miss my friends! They started in their internship already and I won't see them until June. One of my friends are coming back this May. Oui! I love it.
Let's see measure the distance: Me - Renan - Grace - Dawn - Cogie. 4 degrees, ang layo pa rin! If you'd call YM connection friendship it'll only be: Me - Dawn - Cogie. If I could only ask her his Yahoo ID so I can add him or his cellphone number so I can text him or his home address, so I can visit him... Maybe it's obsession and some may find it scary but do I have to confess all over again how much I like him and how much I really wanna get in touch with him, be his friend. But after what happened with 'F', he's probably think twice about hanging out with strangers. Haha... I'm dreaming! There's nothing I wouldn't do and the heavens know it. Kahit friends lang, sasaya na 'ko ng sobra. I admit, I'm jealous of those people esp. girls in his circle of friends and even those who just get to see him. Sino ba naman ako? I'm just a fan. Still, I'm not running out of hopes...
Summer classes are on and I already missed today's. Hay, naku... 'Yun lang.
Lot of new shows coming up on GMA, now I can't wait. By the way, the Gospel of Judas premieres this Sunday at 10pm on NGC. I gotta watch that. The stories of my fave tv shows are getting better... Yum!
Have I forgotten anything? Di bale, next post na lang. [Taglish, make my entry sound so... uh, cute? Hehe...]
[P.S: A lot of movies to watch out for: The Wild, Happy Feet, Da Vinci Code, X3...]