Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
After the storm
Okay so I had crazy week. I'll try to go about it backwards. Beginning today.
I was supposed to attend a friend's debut party but something happened. I am not really sure how to tell her this and what to tell her. O, heavens help me. I promised and I didn't keep my promise. I wish honesty helps. But c'mon, what is there to be honest about? I have no real, acceptable reason.
Friday, I had all day and all afternoon to sleep and the night to do that design I promised a friend. It wasn't really mine but his design for his tattoo which he had me fix. I told him I'd finish it in a week but it's already been a week and I'm not even halfway finished. I hope I finally get it done so I can give it to him by Wednesday because I'll surely see him that day. XD
Thursday, already got that textbook from Microsoft that we paid for P2k. Kamown. It's paperback and it's made of special bond paper and it's heavy. The heck. And I remember what our teacher told us about that book, what we paid for, what we still have to pay. The heck, we still have to pay for an exam from Microsoft by the end of the sem and they're requiring it for the subject. It would cost about P500 to P1000 or more. I'm not really sure. I forgot what else he said but it's really annoying esp. when you've already paid more than you usually paid and you don't get exactly what you paid for. Basta. Blah-blah-blah.
Also had this whole day or most of it to layouting. After class, I had lunch then went to the office right away. There work awaits. I really wanted to finish that whole section's [that one I was doing] page already but it's already past 8 in the evening, and the Ed and I are already both hungry and one article was still missing. I already put everything in the broadsheet template the other night but the next morning, they added pages to the template, and for some reason what I did disappeared and we had to do it again. Blah-blah, long story. To cut it short, I left work unfinished again. Surprise. What's new?
Wednesday. Circulation day. We went to distribute Palad to various locations in school and I get to ride on the back of that green pick-up truck again. It's my third time to join the circulation and the second time to go about school in that truck. It was fun as usual but tirin because one pack of Palad is twice heavier than the broadsheet. It was fun unpacking those booklets and piling it up. It was like building a wall with it. We were even joking about it being barricades in a war scene. Riding that truck was like having a motorcade. Hahahaha. The FDC blokes cheered when we passed by them at the kubos, the Ningens were busy with themselves as usual. We were waving, speaking on top of our voices, like someone doing an election campaign, in telling those we pass by to get their copies and that it's for free and they already paid for it with their tuition fees. I have started doing the layout but I wanted to join the circulation so we left for a while. Then when I got back to my work, I was supposed to leave by 5pm but Assoc-sama was on guard and Stealth mode cannot be activated so I wasn't able to go to the Pre-climb meeting for the All Women's Climb but it isn't really a problem since I cannot really join them because basta. Hahaha.
It was weird staring eye-to-eye with someone wearing shades. We happen to pass by my Elven crushie. I looked at him and since he's on the same side as I was, I know though he's wearing his shades, that he looked back at me. It was also good that he wore his shades because his eyes are very beautiful and he always gave me that weird look whenever we catch each other in the eyes.
Last Sunday, [I got an email containing this information and it was also posted in] at the height of the storm, three fellow mountaineers, Jhoana Pimentel and Thaddeus Reantaso of AMCI and their guest climber Joseph Pelarca, were claimed at Mt. Pundaquit in Zambales. They were swept away while crossing a swollen river. They were part of a team of 12 that made a recon at Anawangin Cove and were already on the way back when the mishap took place. It was good though that the rest of the team were able to go back safely. The bodies of Sir Anjo and Ma'am Jhoana was found 24 hours after the incident while Sit Thad's body was found only last June 25, which is also his 32nd birthday. Let us pray for peace and comfort of their souls and that of their families and friends. Also those who were left homeless, those lives that were claimed during this calamity all over the country. I hope we can all extend our help though I myself haven't given any help yet.
Oh yeah, I borrowed Charles' book by Francis Kong. The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Second Mouse Gets the Cheese. I'm done with it and lookign for another book to read.
For some reason that I know not, everyone is having sunny days. And they were all wearing this happy shiny aura. They are also hyped, psyched, giddy and skiddy. Hyper. It's infectious and contagious and allergenic. I almost got sick with all those people moving about with so much energy. They're like hypnotic lights inside my head. Nakakahilo. Hahahahaha.
Been doing a lot of singing lately, miss ko na banda...
I miss my camera phone too... I miss Shiawase lalo... Hahahaha. Makikita ko na ulit sya! Wednesday. Yeah. Yeah. Mishyu kuya!!! He must be so busy. Love and peace!
Before I go, I'll leave you na lang with a thought about destiny:
If there's no such thing as destiny, would this post ever be written or would I not be writing something else instead? Would we have known each other, when I would have known someone else? Things happen for a reason, and it's meant to be that reason why it happened.
Or something like that. Hahahah. BYE!!!
PS: Para saan yung bagong feature ng Multiply na Media Locker?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
let you inner sun shine
[tarot card number: 19
planet: Sun
season: summer
positive associations with this tarot card: happiness, greatness, enlightenment, vitality, good health, love, fulfillment
negative associations with this tarot card: misjudgement, delays, potential failure, inflated ego
simply one of the best, if not the best, cards in the Tarot. The Sun is a most welcome card and a signal of very happy, joyous times
this card can represent holidays, good news around children or perhaps news or the conception or birth of a much wanted baby
The Sun heralds a time of fun with friends and family and agreeable companionships and relationships
ultimately The Sun dispels negativity and promises of a happy ending
negatively The Sun perhaps suggests delays to your plans or achievements and does warn against arrogance and misjudgement caused by an inflated ego]
The same vitality, joy and energy can be found with your inner sun, and knowing how to draw on this energy can help you dispel your own dark clouds caused by mixed emotions and confusion.
The Sun is one of my favorite Tarot cards as it is so positive and joyful, and whenever it appears in my reading it conjures up hope and joy in my heart.
The Sun suggests happiness through enjoying time with family, friends and loved ones, or perhaps holidays and celebrations - if you’re not enjoying yourself in such a way, this card is suggesting you should!!
The Sun generally indicates good news concerning children, and can herald the wonderful gift of the conception or birth of a much wanted child, so if you are hoping for or planning to start a family, look out for this card in your readings.
It is a card of good health, joyful emotions and lust for life – for me it represents the very essence of life at its best.
It is our ability to let our own inner sun shine that can make such a difference; we are naturally drawn to people who are happy and positive - those with a ‘sunny disposition’. When you can transcend negative thoughts and feelings, and instead think and feel more positively, it creates a totally different energy.
Look out for when the sun comes up in your readings, and when it does ask yourself
‘Am I being positive and enthusiastic about my life?’
‘Do people see me as happy and joyful?’
When you have days where you cannot see through the clouds of confusion or your heart weighs heavy with dark emotions, look inwards and focus on letting your inner sun shine, and dispel those negative thoughts and emotions.
Love and Joy,
Alison Day
Lotus Tarot
~ I was going to write some journal. Really, I was going to, but, I didn't. I won't. Tinatamad ako kaya ito na lang muna. Wahaha. Bukas na lang. Nyt!
PS. Got a dragon fruit from a neighbor. I love.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
You want earth, you're given land slides.
You want winds, you're given hurricanes.
You want warmth, you're given fires.
You want to pools, you're given flash floods.
You want to rock, you're given earthquakes.
You want vacation, there's class suspension.
You think you want more?
Crimes committed are now being paid for.
For a tree cut out of greed, a life is cut off in its stead.
For a life killed for profit, an innocent life is taken in exchange.
Destruction brought about by hatred will not cease till the hater be destroyed.
It's eye for an eye in the code of Hammurabi.
All wounds inflicted against the other in time shall be healed,
But the cost will be asked back from the one who imposed.
Ask and you shall receive.
Ask for more than you received and you get more than what you ask for.
School work has been lighter these days but some people, they ask too much. They wouldn't be considerate enough to think that I still have other things to do, pub stuff [which I haven't started yet], some things that I promised some people that I would do, personal stuffs to attend to, and lot more other things, and do I have to mention them all? My, my.. I did what I said I'd do but why whould I do those other things that you're supposed to do regarding that stuff that I said I'd do and did. C'mon. Sorry, I won't do it. Maybe in another time, but not today or the days that will be following this day. Sorry but I do not really feel sorry for not wanting to do your job. Do it yourself or ask somebody else to do it for you. XP
Never felt better about long weekends more than I do today. Unlike before, I don't mind missing school. I'm down to my last two book in the Chronicles of Narnia, and when I go back to school on Tuesday, I'd be done with the whole thing and I will be looking for another book to read after. Yay.
Awwness, I am watching Chef to Go right now. Rob Pengson is really....
Survivor Philippines, coming soon. Waaaah! I'll learn how to swim well and I will try out for the next season. Bleh!
Okay, someone did it again. I'm not sure if I'm more sorry for him than for that other person whom he did it too. They're both my friends though I'm closer to the other, but, well, all I can do now is wish and pray for both of them and that things get better. Ayusin nyo buhay nyo!!! Ingat kayo lagi. Hehehehe. Peace.
So what now?
Oh, yeah, I remembered. I won't be joining the All Women's Climb anymore. It's my birthday and I found out we're going somewhere. I'm going away with Mimay. Who's she? Mimay is Me, Myself and I. Hahaha, corny. I know. But, yeah, I have to go somewhere on my birthday. I had to think this through and I've decided, and I want this so bad that I have to go. I'm not sure this will be exciting for anybody but myself so. Yeah. You guys can still greet me or sing to me. Hehehehe
It's been years now, about two weeks but I'm missing cable TV again. NGC, Disney, Nick, AXN, and all those other cable channels that I used to watch. Once I get my first paycheck when I start working, that'd be the first thing I'm going to get, a cable connection. Woooh!
What do I do now? Dinner.
Friday, June 20, 2008
All Women's Climb [Postponed]
Start: | Jul 5, '08 |
End: | Jul 6, '08 |
Location: | Laiya, Batangas |
All Women's Climb
Mt. Daguldol, Batangas
Open to all female DLSU-DMS and LWC Members
* more information to follow..
DLSU-DMS Orientation Seminar [updated]
DLSU-DMS Orientation Seminar
July 2, 2008, Wednesday
POLCA Conference Hall
12:00 - 4:00 pm
With guest speaker/s:
of the First Philippine Mount Everest Expedition Team
and the First Southeast Asian Female Everest Summitteers
related websites: Pinays on Everest || Philippine Everest Expedition
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
17 Days To Go ♫
Anyway, it's final. No party on my birthday. I'll be up the mountain for my birthday. I'm celebrating there 'cause we're having an All Women's Climb on the date of my birthday, and there won't really be a party up there because, of course, you can't expect me to bring a lot of stuffs up and bring them all down after. It would just be a day of adventure, peace and order [peace and quiet, hahaha] and fun with whatever we're going to do up there. Happy birthday to me.
It's full moon again. Really nice but kind of weird at the same time. The moon is so bright but isn't at its usual position where it shown directly into my room's window. Well, it's still the same bright moon that keeps me up at that time of the month but a little different. I miss that bright light. Wala lang.
Today has been a busy and tiring day [but a happy day too] and I spent some of the money I've been saving for my present. I have to eat lunch, you know. And today was so hot and I was so thirsty that I finished two large cups of iced tea. What a day. A lot had to be done today and a lot more to do for the coming days. I hope I get to have them all done in time before they pile up and and come down like an avalanche on me and I can't get any of them done at all. I call upon the Higher Powers to suffer me that my duties be done, and that they may be done well. May the force be with me. Sugoi.
BTW, me gots a new crushie. Me likey. Aww
It's inspiring how most of the PDA scholars are my age. Nakakainggit. Hahaha. Hopefully I get to try out for next season.
Wala lang. I just love that line and how that line was sung in Wandering Child. You should hear it too.
Yay, Garduch-sama is back! And I'm so happy. Though I enjoyed, too, the episode of BTBW when Mark Salazar, Jun Veneracion, and Paolo Abrera subbed for him while he's away. Anyway, Welcome back!
Okay, Ces Drilon has been retrieved. I hope ypu've learned your lesson, and, of course, you know that no story is worth losing your life for. Well, welcome back din sa'yo.
Nakakapanibago na wala akong camera para 'mag-cover' ng events na ina-attend-an ko gaya kanina may free show ulit ang PAG. Haaay, ganun talaga... Hope I get my phone fixed soon. And I have to save the film I have for my first climb this school year, and buy another roll. More film, more fun. Hehehe. Sugoi ne.
I'm off to dinner now, the BTBW tonight [Wednesday night is Garduch-sama night], and then, off to Narnia before going to slumberland.
I miss halo-halo. I'll have my friends try Digman [in Bacoor] with me one of these day. Yum. Can't wait.
Good night, everyone!
Monday, June 16, 2008
I've encountered a few interesting individuals, YFC members, and a few interesting things happened. His gayness was absent and we didn't have class. So I just went hanging out in the recruitment booth assigned for DMS. There I found Royce alone. Hehe, wawa, he's been attending to the recruitment since last week and he's only got classes on Fridays, meaning that's all he goes to school for on those four days. At first, there was just Robi of CSO and another guy, Royce went to buy food, so I was talking to two strangers. Then others came, some were very familiar faces. They are very nice, friendly people. Too friendly, actually, they made me try dates, that fruit from Dubai, for the first time and it's good. Sweet but once you're done eating the whole thing, the sweetness dies away, hindi nakakaumay. By the way, a cute applicant signed up while I was on watch. And what could get more interesting than that? And he's only a sophomore. Hahaha. Wala lang. So yeah, the YFC people were there. They share the same kubo with us but a different table but they sat with us and then, they started singing because one of them has a guitar. Now I remember why some of them looked familiar, we attended their worship one time when one of my Genshi-ningen was still with them. So, anyway, they exuded this warm, accommodating aura, but I didn't want to get absorbed into it because see, for the past few years, I've been shifting from 'black' then 'white', then back in black again. I'm kind of comfortable now, being in 'gray'. Do you need explanation for this? Nah. I know you're smart or you'll end up mad thinking what I meant and why. Hahahaha. Nevermind.
I got myself a book to read again today. And, oh, the trouble I had to go through before I can borrow that book. Hahahaha. Had to back and forth to validate my ID. I'm a few chapters done now, and a lot more to go. I borrowed this thick black book, The Chronicles of Narnia, and all the seven volumes are there. Good thing, I won't have to borrow one volume after the other.
Woooh! Haven't eaten lunch yet. Grrrr...
I feel like trying wakeboarding. Hehehe, just seen it on tv, looks... Adventurous. Hehe, who wants to go with me? Ipon muna tayo. Hahahaha
Almost dinner time... I WANT FAST FOOD!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I remember reading something from someone else's blog about not having everything. Well, you can have everything have you wanted to but should you want to but to excel, one has to be preferred over the other. Do everything but concentrate only in one thing in order to perfect it. Or something like that. Hahaha. What I'm trying to say is, there are a lot of things I want to do, but I can't do or have all at the same time. Certain things will have to be chosen over the other and that other one will have to be set aside for a while. I know I said I'm making the most out of my last six months in school, and that's what I'm going to do though it isn't really the way I had it in mind when I first declared Carpe Diem. Well, they still are the same things with little changes, like wanting to go somewhere but taking a different route. In the past year there are things that I would usually do and there were things that I haven't done in a while while I was doing those other things. This time I'm doing the things I haven't done for a long time and stop doing for a while those things that I've been doing. I'm not sure how some people will think about it, but, see, we decide for ourselves, and only we know what's good for us and what will make us happy. There are events I'm attending to, there are others that I'm not. Things that I'm ging to do and other things that I'm not. See, choices. I think this is just about it for me.
I've noticed that I've been blabbering the same things over and over again but, well, most likely, that is what I wanted to say. I want to elaborate but that take some of my effort and I think it's best to keep things vague and let things unfold itself to the spectator that will witness its revelation. Blah, basta ganun yun.
Can you be happy for anybody, esp. close friends, when they were given the opportunity for which you were never even given a chance to try for? I just think it's kind of unfair. I mean, I was not even given an explanation for why I weren't given a chance to try out for something that I wanted that time when I wanted it, now your friends get it, and you don't know how to react. It just keeps you thinking whether you're underqualified, overqualified, well, I'm sure wasn't late, or they just think I don't fit their 'standards' that are, in my taste, more on aesthetics than in ability and skills. And I'm not just sayng this because I hate what they did, but they've lost that fire that I used to admire them for. Who/what am I talking about? Secret. Hahahaha. As usual, no name-dropping here.
So, I am buying myself an early birthday present next week. And I'm really excited. Hahaha. Wala lang. Not sure yet what I want to do on my birthday, I might throw a party like last year or I might not. Well, I have no plans yet but whatever happens, it will happen whatever it is. Haha.
Okay, choices. In relation to what I said in the first paragraph, I might break a promise I made to a friend. Not that I want to intentionally break but I might break it. There are things I have to do and if I want to do those things I might have to miss that day that I promised to be there. It is her special day but, see, it's a choice that has to be made. Bahala na.
I'm still keeping my watch on Mr. B. But this will be the last time he will ever be talked about in my online space though the war I've waged will go on. Watch out, I'm still watching.
Okay, I'm hungry again, I miss REAL meat, and it's getting late again.
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King on SNBO tonight. Gotta watch though I would have preferred that England episode of Pinoy Meets World with Drew. I think they're showing it next week.
Oh well, Good night everyone.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A promise?
I was going to write about something but Youtube and a lot more other things, including Gerard Butler, got in the way so I will have to post it later or some other time since it's already morning again.
Good morning.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Point of No Return
I miss taking pictures of myself. The room is dark, I have no camera of my own. I have one that uses film but it will have to be developed first and scanned before I can edit it. Haaay.. Yesterday, I feel like doing something with Photoshop but I don't really have anything to do it with. Boring. POTEK.
I've calmed down a bit from my 'mad fit' yesterday but I don't think I will ever be appeased or my mind will ever change about it. His words were ringing inside my head last night and it kept me awake all night. Nagpaparinig ka pa, tangina ka! I was dreaming awake last night. I was wishfully thinking if there'll ever be a day that would come when I can gently touch his face with my hands and then bang his head hard against the wall, break his face with a wine bottle [like that scene from Pan's labyrinth], butcher him, skin him alive, mince his muscles, feed his insides to the dogs, and then my revenge will be complete. Imagine me laughing madly while screaming at the top of my lungs, 'SERVES YOU RIGHT,YOU, GAY BASTARD!'. My friend is right, devil mode nga ako ngayon. Hoooh!
Doesn't it feel better, more human to be with no rules or religion for your course of actions to get judged with/by. Not that I've lost my religion nor have I turned into an atheist or a pagan but I've just freed myself from the status quo or the norms of those things. Well, I haven't used drugs, never had sex with anyone or did any other immoral things like that. What I mean is that, like my dreams of killing that creature who calls himself a teacher, whom I hate very much, I do not think of religion now. Based on religion, that would be 'sinful' but I do not see myself sinful because I've freed myself of my religion. I only see muself as a free human. I'm still spiritual but still not religious. Though about being spiritual, I do not know if the spirit in 'spiritual' is of good or evil. Hahaha. Basta parang ganun. You know I'm not good in explaining.
Remember what I said about these two people that I know? I got a news from a friend that somehow confirms my observation and my theory. Oh, well...
A'right. So I have another programming subject. Gahawd. Good thing, my friend, Iam, enrolled the subject and I wouldn't be alone and the subject doesn't seem so hard though it still has VB, and I hate VB. Goodluck sa 'kin. No turning back now, forward, GO!
SO this is how it feels to walk your last days in college. Hehehe. I hope I get a reward when I graduate. I wanna go to Greece!
No thoughts within her head, but thoughts of joy!
No dreams within her heart but dreams of love!
in pursuit of that wish, which till now has been silent, silent . . .
I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge -
in your mind you've already succumbed to me
dropped all defences, completely succumbed to me -
now you are here with me: no second thoughts,
you've decided, decided . . .
Past the point of no return - no backward glances:
the games we've played till now are at an end . . .
Past all thought of "if" or "when" - no use resisting:
abandon thought, and let the dream descend . . .
What raging fire shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction lies before us?
Past the point of no return, the final threshold -
What warm, unspoken secrets will we learn?
Beyond the point of no return . . .
You have brought me to that moment where words run dry,
to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence . . .
I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why . . .
In my mind, I've already imagined our bodies entwining
defenceless and silent - and now I am here with you:
no second thoughts, I've decided. decided . . .
Past the point of no return - no going back now:
our passion-play has now, at last, begun . . .
Past all thought of right or wrong - one final question:
how long should we two wait, before we're one . . .?
When will the blood begin to race?
the sleeping bud burst into bloom?
When will the flames, at last, consume us?
Past the point of no return the final threshold -
the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn . . .
We've passed the point of no return . . .
~ I don't know why but for some reason, that doesn't really matter, video CDs and DVDs are on sale at AstroPlus. I bought my POTO VCD today and am really glad how the prices have dropped. I'll be buying my POTO DVD next week. I got to have it. Bwahaha. I'm so happy.
Okay, I am currently obsessed with Gerard Butler. Can you blame me if he was born to be so sexy? His eyes, his voice, his lips, everything.. How can I ever, will I ever meet him in person? Uuugh! Gimme, Gerry.. Please. ANYBODY?!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Ikinonewotomeru. Gaisuru. Satsui. Uchihatasu. Korosu. Sakujo.
One Afternoon
with 5 CBA kids and 1 CIHM girl
JM || Mariel || Tricia || CG || Andrea || Rodney *sorry for forgetting your name
Make your own afternoon with the Froshies
Freshmen Orientation 2008
DLSU - D Ugnayang La Salle
June 3, 2008
* I enjoyed your company. Thank you very much for making my afternoon. See you all in school.
* Thank you, Scott, for lending me your camera
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Taut thoughts?
But then again, it's just some random thought I had the other night. I am bored and even sick of how my life's turning out to be, of what is happening and of what is not happening. Nothing new. I would usually have nothing to do but stare at the ceiling, or the wall, or out the window where Polaris is the only star see, or into the darkness that is, seemingly, the only thing I have with me at the moment.
I am so bored and I am hungry.
Have you noticed the beautiful men and gorgeous women of this lifetime? I was looking at my collection of Leonard Whiting pictures. He is now, probably, at his 70s. But the pictures I have of him was when he was still in his 20s and he's so damn hot and beautiful. I was just thinking, wouldn't we all have wished that beauty would never fade? That one can stop growing old when he/she chose to. That we could stay in our state of youthful beauty till the day we die? Or that immortality existed, and we would never die like the deities of ancient civilizations? Or that eating ambrosia would help us live through eternity? Beauty seemed to have been meant for existence only in memory. We grow up and grow old little by little everyday. Wala lang, bigla ko lang ulit naisip. *wink*
I finally found a solution but I still haven't got that solution at hand. I'm talking about my cellphone. It wouldn't charge and it was the same problem I had when I last brought to for fixing some time last year, and I wouldn't want to have it fixed for that anymore so I'll buy a battery charger instead. Does anybody know how much that costs? I can't buy a new phone yet, and I can't have it fixed yet. Moolah problems. Hahaha. So I just need to know how much it costs so I can save money to buy it. Gahawd.
School starts again on Wednesday and I still haven't got my enthusiasm for things back. Same old brand new blues: I am lacking new things to look forward to. The world is closing in on me, bad vibes are trying to get me. I'm so stuck here. Got nowhere to escape to. Inspiration is there but not flowing. Stuck. Stuck. Stuck and it sucks.
I'm stuck and I'm hungry.
Being stuck here, where I sit down and type these words, some people can't help but be annoying and their annoying existence won't just stay stuck wherever they are. I won't be elaborating because, for sure, may tatamaan. Sapul. Bukol for sure. Wahahaha. Sorry I have to avoid you before I get even more annoyed. I'll give you some space so you can take off your Cape of Annoyance which causes +5 annoyance to those you encounter. Nevermind. I'll let you off for now. *bleh
I went to tour the froshies last week and watched the show that was prepared for them. Tiring day but I enjoyed a lot and I got a shirt.
I already sent my entry for the haiku contest organized by the Japanese Embassy and UST. I hope I make it. Who knows, I might get a free trip to Japan or whatever prize they are going to give the winners. Wahahaha.
Gutom na talaga ako at kakain na ako.
Team Chopsuey, the AVP
Sunday, June 8, 2008
At night
And that voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound,
And that night there was music in my mind,
And with music my soul began to soar,
And I heard as I've never heard before...
But what I heard was a dream and nothing more. I must have been dreaming. Stories like these can't come true.
2am. I've been trying to come up with something to write. I remember wanting to write about something earlier and the other day but I keep forgetting things every now and then. Not that I'm having memory gaps but even without doing anything, my mind gets preoccupied, with what, well, I forgot. Hehe.
Thirty minutes past two. I'm still listening to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack. Maybe I'll come up with something decent for you to read when I wake up tomorrow, or later.
Good morning, everyone!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Sira ang cellphone, pls. read
di nyo muna ako mako-contact thru the telecommunication device we call the cellphone dahil sira ang aking phone. mejo matatagalan pa at walang kasigurahan kung maipapaayos ko sya. kung may nais kayong ipaabot importante man o kahit di ganun ka-importante, mangyari lamang po na i-pm na lamang sa akin dito sa multiply, sa YM, sa friendster o kaya naman ay i-email na lang sa akin. ang gamit kong email ay ung ID ko sa YM. or kung di talaga makapaghihintay ang mga mensahe tawagan na lamang ako sa aming landline, na hindi ko ipo-post dito.
yun lang,
salamat very much.