Got to eat pitaya [a.k.a. dragon fruit] today. Just found out a minute ago that it's the Costa Rican species and is different from what I usually ate which has white flesh. It has red flesh but other than that, there's no other difference. Wala lang. I just had to do a research on it because I got curious. Hahahaha.
Okay so I had crazy week. I'll try to go about it backwards. Beginning today.
I was supposed to attend a friend's debut party but something happened. I am not really sure how to tell her this and what to tell her. O, heavens help me. I promised and I didn't keep my promise. I wish honesty helps. But c'mon, what is there to be honest about? I have no real, acceptable reason.
Friday, I had all day and all afternoon to sleep and the night to do that design I promised a friend. It wasn't really mine but his design for his tattoo which he had me fix. I told him I'd finish it in a week but it's already been a week and I'm not even halfway finished. I hope I finally get it done so I can give it to him by Wednesday because I'll surely see him that day. XD
Thursday, already got that textbook from Microsoft that we paid for P2k. Kamown. It's paperback and it's made of special bond paper and it's heavy. The heck. And I remember what our teacher told us about that book, what we paid for, what we still have to pay. The heck, we still have to pay for an exam from Microsoft by the end of the sem and they're requiring it for the subject. It would cost about P500 to P1000 or more. I'm not really sure. I forgot what else he said but it's really annoying esp. when you've already paid more than you usually paid and you don't get exactly what you paid for. Basta. Blah-blah-blah.
Also had this whole day or most of it to layouting. After class, I had lunch then went to the office right away. There work awaits. I really wanted to finish that whole section's [that one I was doing] page already but it's already past 8 in the evening, and the Ed and I are already both hungry and one article was still missing. I already put everything in the broadsheet template the other night but the next morning, they added pages to the template, and for some reason what I did disappeared and we had to do it again. Blah-blah, long story. To cut it short, I left work unfinished again. Surprise. What's new?
Wednesday. Circulation day. We went to distribute Palad to various locations in school and I get to ride on the back of that green pick-up truck again. It's my third time to join the circulation and the second time to go about school in that truck. It was fun as usual but tirin because one pack of Palad is twice heavier than the broadsheet. It was fun unpacking those booklets and piling it up. It was like building a wall with it. We were even joking about it being barricades in a war scene. Riding that truck was like having a motorcade. Hahahaha. The FDC blokes cheered when we passed by them at the kubos, the Ningens were busy with themselves as usual. We were waving, speaking on top of our voices, like someone doing an election campaign, in telling those we pass by to get their copies and that it's for free and they already paid for it with their tuition fees. I have started doing the layout but I wanted to join the circulation so we left for a while. Then when I got back to my work, I was supposed to leave by 5pm but Assoc-sama was on guard and Stealth mode cannot be activated so I wasn't able to go to the Pre-climb meeting for the All Women's Climb but it isn't really a problem since I cannot really join them because basta. Hahaha.
It was weird staring eye-to-eye with someone wearing shades. We happen to pass by my Elven crushie. I looked at him and since he's on the same side as I was, I know though he's wearing his shades, that he looked back at me. It was also good that he wore his shades because his eyes are very beautiful and he always gave me that weird look whenever we catch each other in the eyes.
Last Sunday, [I got an email containing this information and it was also posted in] at the height of the storm, three fellow mountaineers, Jhoana Pimentel and Thaddeus Reantaso of AMCI and their guest climber Joseph Pelarca, were claimed at Mt. Pundaquit in Zambales. They were swept away while crossing a swollen river. They were part of a team of 12 that made a recon at Anawangin Cove and were already on the way back when the mishap took place. It was good though that the rest of the team were able to go back safely. The bodies of Sir Anjo and Ma'am Jhoana was found 24 hours after the incident while Sit Thad's body was found only last June 25, which is also his 32nd birthday. Let us pray for peace and comfort of their souls and that of their families and friends. Also those who were left homeless, those lives that were claimed during this calamity all over the country. I hope we can all extend our help though I myself haven't given any help yet.
Oh yeah, I borrowed Charles' book by Francis Kong. The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Second Mouse Gets the Cheese. I'm done with it and lookign for another book to read.
For some reason that I know not, everyone is having sunny days. And they were all wearing this happy shiny aura. They are also hyped, psyched, giddy and skiddy. Hyper. It's infectious and contagious and allergenic. I almost got sick with all those people moving about with so much energy. They're like hypnotic lights inside my head. Nakakahilo. Hahahahaha.
Been doing a lot of singing lately, miss ko na banda...
I miss my camera phone too... I miss Shiawase lalo... Hahahaha. Makikita ko na ulit sya! Wednesday. Yeah. Yeah. Mishyu kuya!!! He must be so busy. Love and peace!
Before I go, I'll leave you na lang with a thought about destiny:
If there's no such thing as destiny, would this post ever be written or would I not be writing something else instead? Would we have known each other, when I would have known someone else? Things happen for a reason, and it's meant to be that reason why it happened.
Or something like that. Hahahah. BYE!!!
PS: Para saan yung bagong feature ng Multiply na Media Locker?
Okay so I had crazy week. I'll try to go about it backwards. Beginning today.
I was supposed to attend a friend's debut party but something happened. I am not really sure how to tell her this and what to tell her. O, heavens help me. I promised and I didn't keep my promise. I wish honesty helps. But c'mon, what is there to be honest about? I have no real, acceptable reason.
Friday, I had all day and all afternoon to sleep and the night to do that design I promised a friend. It wasn't really mine but his design for his tattoo which he had me fix. I told him I'd finish it in a week but it's already been a week and I'm not even halfway finished. I hope I finally get it done so I can give it to him by Wednesday because I'll surely see him that day. XD
Thursday, already got that textbook from Microsoft that we paid for P2k. Kamown. It's paperback and it's made of special bond paper and it's heavy. The heck. And I remember what our teacher told us about that book, what we paid for, what we still have to pay. The heck, we still have to pay for an exam from Microsoft by the end of the sem and they're requiring it for the subject. It would cost about P500 to P1000 or more. I'm not really sure. I forgot what else he said but it's really annoying esp. when you've already paid more than you usually paid and you don't get exactly what you paid for. Basta. Blah-blah-blah.
Also had this whole day or most of it to layouting. After class, I had lunch then went to the office right away. There work awaits. I really wanted to finish that whole section's [that one I was doing] page already but it's already past 8 in the evening, and the Ed and I are already both hungry and one article was still missing. I already put everything in the broadsheet template the other night but the next morning, they added pages to the template, and for some reason what I did disappeared and we had to do it again. Blah-blah, long story. To cut it short, I left work unfinished again. Surprise. What's new?
Wednesday. Circulation day. We went to distribute Palad to various locations in school and I get to ride on the back of that green pick-up truck again. It's my third time to join the circulation and the second time to go about school in that truck. It was fun as usual but tirin because one pack of Palad is twice heavier than the broadsheet. It was fun unpacking those booklets and piling it up. It was like building a wall with it. We were even joking about it being barricades in a war scene. Riding that truck was like having a motorcade. Hahahaha. The FDC blokes cheered when we passed by them at the kubos, the Ningens were busy with themselves as usual. We were waving, speaking on top of our voices, like someone doing an election campaign, in telling those we pass by to get their copies and that it's for free and they already paid for it with their tuition fees. I have started doing the layout but I wanted to join the circulation so we left for a while. Then when I got back to my work, I was supposed to leave by 5pm but Assoc-sama was on guard and Stealth mode cannot be activated so I wasn't able to go to the Pre-climb meeting for the All Women's Climb but it isn't really a problem since I cannot really join them because basta. Hahaha.
It was weird staring eye-to-eye with someone wearing shades. We happen to pass by my Elven crushie. I looked at him and since he's on the same side as I was, I know though he's wearing his shades, that he looked back at me. It was also good that he wore his shades because his eyes are very beautiful and he always gave me that weird look whenever we catch each other in the eyes.
Last Sunday, [I got an email containing this information and it was also posted in] at the height of the storm, three fellow mountaineers, Jhoana Pimentel and Thaddeus Reantaso of AMCI and their guest climber Joseph Pelarca, were claimed at Mt. Pundaquit in Zambales. They were swept away while crossing a swollen river. They were part of a team of 12 that made a recon at Anawangin Cove and were already on the way back when the mishap took place. It was good though that the rest of the team were able to go back safely. The bodies of Sir Anjo and Ma'am Jhoana was found 24 hours after the incident while Sit Thad's body was found only last June 25, which is also his 32nd birthday. Let us pray for peace and comfort of their souls and that of their families and friends. Also those who were left homeless, those lives that were claimed during this calamity all over the country. I hope we can all extend our help though I myself haven't given any help yet.
Oh yeah, I borrowed Charles' book by Francis Kong. The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Second Mouse Gets the Cheese. I'm done with it and lookign for another book to read.
For some reason that I know not, everyone is having sunny days. And they were all wearing this happy shiny aura. They are also hyped, psyched, giddy and skiddy. Hyper. It's infectious and contagious and allergenic. I almost got sick with all those people moving about with so much energy. They're like hypnotic lights inside my head. Nakakahilo. Hahahahaha.
Been doing a lot of singing lately, miss ko na banda...
I miss my camera phone too... I miss Shiawase lalo... Hahahaha. Makikita ko na ulit sya! Wednesday. Yeah. Yeah. Mishyu kuya!!! He must be so busy. Love and peace!
Before I go, I'll leave you na lang with a thought about destiny:
If there's no such thing as destiny, would this post ever be written or would I not be writing something else instead? Would we have known each other, when I would have known someone else? Things happen for a reason, and it's meant to be that reason why it happened.
Or something like that. Hahahah. BYE!!!
PS: Para saan yung bagong feature ng Multiply na Media Locker?
;( sana may circulation din ng palad sa hsi....
ReplyDeleteat ano pala lasa ng dragon fruit...naku curious ako sa itsura nya..pero wala akong guts kainin. pathetic.
what subject yung may microsoft?? elective?
ReplyDeletewaaaah levy naglabas na kau ng palad....meron kba, pedeng pabasa nmn pagpnta ko sa GA.....wahhhhhh oh pls pls
ReplyDeletemay sarili ata kasing pub ang HSI.
ReplyDeletemasarap. try mo lang. oo elective.
ReplyDeletehahaha humingi na lang kayo sa office madami pa ata dun saka baka di ako makapunta ng GA XP
ReplyDeletewaaah bkt levy....sana mag OL kna uli sa YM miss you alredi....nd n kta mka chat
ReplyDeletenyek ano kaya ung reply na un.....well anyways kita kits nlng, kng sklng mpabisita ako uli sa skul