2008 had its ups and downs but over all, it had been a blast. Posting these picture won't really tell much about how my year went but somehow this would give you an idea how it probably have gone. I gained and lost so much this year, and also had so many things to remember and try to forget. So much to live for, so much to die for. A lot to look forward to, a lot to leave behind. I just thought I'd look back one more time before I take my step forward. I dunno what waits for me this year. I get ideas but life is full of surprises, and fate gives us a lot of surprises, good or bad, when we least expect it. I guess Levy-chan, and you too, just have to head on, rock on.
I need a life. Not that I am dead, as a matter of fact, I feel more alive today than I have been the past year. Just that, I need a life life. I'm way past the teenage identity crisis stage, and I know now who I want to be, what I want to be. I just need a head start so I can push forward and get me my dream life.
How to close this entry? You don't really close anything even if you're done writing. You just live the next post and write it later on. Life kinda writes itself, we just keep our own account of what has been written before us. I think? Hahahaha.
Okay, I really don't know how to close this post, so..
Good Morning na lang! 
I need a life. Not that I am dead, as a matter of fact, I feel more alive today than I have been the past year. Just that, I need a life life. I'm way past the teenage identity crisis stage, and I know now who I want to be, what I want to be. I just need a head start so I can push forward and get me my dream life.
How to close this entry? You don't really close anything even if you're done writing. You just live the next post and write it later on. Life kinda writes itself, we just keep our own account of what has been written before us. I think? Hahahaha.
Okay, I really don't know how to close this post, so..
wow! halos puro DMS! :">