Thursday, March 8, 2007

Wednesday is the Day!

I wanted to see him.. My search for my lost ID lead me to him. I didn't get to talk to him but I get to go here he is, stealthily. Haha.. Stalker mode. Oh, and hyper mode too. The happiness because of "HAPPINESS" has taken over me but.. Sigh.. I almost bumped into him twice but I don't think he noticed me. He didn't recognize me. Awww.. But it's okay 'cause I'll have my chance and I just know it. =)


  1. Happenstance... - happening due to a circumstance hahahah

  2. Noun

    1. happenstance - an event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental


    chance event, fortuity, accident - anything that happens by chance without an apparent cause

    ~siguro nga...
