Thursday, October 25, 2007

Plain Crabbiness.

A sunny day on Thursday doesn't feel right. Not this Thursday, not today. The sun should've come out yesterday, and I wouldn't really mind if he wanted to hide today because by this time, we would already be making our way down the mountain and thinking of a possible sidetrip. Hahaha, the bitterness of me. I still can't let go of the fact that we didn't push through with the climbing trip when it didn't actually rain during the whole day except for the morning and the night before. Darn. Just can't.

Another crabbiness-triggering circumstance: Etwas erzählt mir, dass ich eifersüchtig sein sollte. Ich scheine, ein unheimliches zu entwickeln, das für Ein von meinen Freunden mag, Kollege. Unheimlich. Er ist mein Typ nicht wirklich aber eine fremde Kraft zieht mich zu ihm an. Und mehr so, es gibt dieses ärgert flirtet das flirtet mit ihm und er scheint, es zu mögen, und ich finde nur es ärgernd. Alles, das ich machen kann, ist vermeidet anschauend sie. Es ekelt so an, wie sie kokette Wege benutzt, zu versuchen und ihn zu bezaubern. Sie sehen, BIN ich EIFERSÜCHTIG!!! Actually, it's not making me crabby, it's making me feel weirder than I already am. Blah!  Hopefully, I really am just being weird and nothing more than that. PLEASE!!!

Yay, crabby! Crabby. Enrolment day tomorrow, and I still have grades to have fix, and run after that someone who should be fixing it. Man, make me think... It's been a while since I last went out and ate at KFC. Maybe I'll go tomorrow, enrolment days are always a hassle. It will definitely be a long day.

I already opened that bag of Kissables, yum. I am so tempted to dig a handful and stuff it into my mouth. I don't think it'll make it to our swimming trip, so, I guess, I'll bring it on our Midyear Workshop instead. I'll be eating it on the bus, I'll put some of it in my Patrick Starfish candy container so I won't have to take out the whole bag. Hahaha, damot ako eh. I'm just wondering, who wants to sit with me? Hahaha. I'll share. Nyaow! Hahaha

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