Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Out of Here in No Time

Long time, Multiply, long time...

I'll be leaving here soon. Just the blog, actually. I'm expecting a big change when 2011 comes, and I thought a new blog space would be appropriate. It's not so new, but I hardly used it before, and I plan to use it when I revert back to blogging. The year is almost done, and my journal will be expiring soon. Time for cool change. I'd still be using the Photos section here, neatest I've seen in most sites. I just thought I'd write something before I go.

Well, this won't be the last you'll read of me here, not yet. When I've completely moved to my blog's new home, I'll be back to say goodbye. Imagine, I've been here since 2005 but...

It'll be time to go soon, Multiply.