Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Things are coming as a shock to me lately. Things will get better but still hurts. The stars are true when they say that... well, never mind. The pain comes from within and it hurts so bad, I can't lie and pretend I'm happy. Today's Marlon's birthday and he invited the class to celebrate with him at Rhea's like last year and this is the second time that I cannot join them. We had practice for GA last year so I wasn't able to spend time with the peopz on his special day but this year is totally different. I don't wanna spoil their day.

By the way COS GA was hell of a mess. I wasn't able to sing my solo but I was able to do back up for Cresta's solo. Darn, sucks! My effort in practicing the song last Saturday was somehow wasted. Singing in the rain isn't a bad idea but not to sing at all. Turns out that I've shrunk from being the soloist to just being the back-up vocalist. I appreciate what the back-up singers do for the star singers but I would have appreciated it even better if I had a chance to be the singer too. COS sucks. I seem to be getting used to all the shame and I've been putting myself into it whenever I'm performing for COS. I loved KTS though the time slot given to us wasn't that nice but COS... You have no idea how sick I am of them. I talked to Alvin about it and he went to the people responsible but they can't accept that they were very wrong. And those dang punks, "Any Given Day". They didn't show up when they should've and we had no choice but play at the time scheduled for them but they were still allowed to play and they closed the show, talk about fairness and professionalism.

Anyway, life is still good. Tomorrow (finally!) I'll be having a new phone because Philip's selling his phone to me because he'll be having a new one from his aunt in America. I was glad he thought about me first because his mom already talked to someone who wants to buy the phone. What a relief from all the "sickness" I'm experiencing at this very moment. Thank God!

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