Saturday, August 5, 2006

S.A.D. stinks!

Yay for me! I won 2nd Place in the Digital Poem Contest. Hay, What a good compensation for all my pains that week. Moneeeeeey! Whehehe! About the postermaking, atleast they are giving us consolations 'cause they only chose one winner which is good 'cause I wouldn't have to feel so bad, 'cause it felt like making thrash, and the others seem to not taking it seriously, they think it's just about the fun, well I didn't have any fun at all. They do not know how much every competition means to me and I guess they never will. Who stinking cares? It'll be the last I'm having with them but of course, they're still my friends. Pft!

Doing our Systems Analysis and Design project f'n stinks. It just doesn't make sense. They ask too much but give very little like, they expect a good system when we haven't taken up any other programming languages yet other than C, C++, and Java unlike those Computer Science students. We're IT. What the f?! And the others have already done it, why do we have to? I'm really not feeling this. Lame.

Dang that PC! It is once again spyware-infested but this time I admit it's my fault. Ads' been popping up every now and then. I've got 3 softwares to sweep those nasty ads but they're persistent. F*ck! Why do humans have to be so greedy with money? They don't respect other people, all they care for is making money that's why they make these things. Someday I'll find a way to get rid of every one of them. These pop-ups are interrupting my typing. The international community should do something about this.

Anyway, I'm sketching some stuffs that I'm planning to use for my Personal Website project. The new Evanescence website layout is pretty inspiring and I'm already seeing it inside my head, it's gothic, glamorous, and fancy-looking. I'm not sure I can start and finish just in time for submission because it'll require digitally coloring it with Photoshop and having just a mouse to do thesmudging is a lot of work plus the encoding. But I really wish to finish it. Another YAY for me!

Just finished 2 books: Beast by Donna Jo Napoli and Quadehar the Sorcerer by Erik L'Homme and I plan to get another one to read. I want to write reviews but I'll just get to that when I get to have a free time.

My wishlist is growing but all I can have for the moment is patience. I just wish I live to see the day I get to by everything that I am dreaming of.

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