Monday, September 24, 2007

A Steep Climb, A Steeper Descent

*Drum rolls*

Another great escape. We passed the thesis defense, and I wasn't even of that much help. During the defense, I was just standing there pretending that I don't exist. Hardly even uttered a word. Hehe. So yeah, I don't deserve any credit for it but I'm really glad we made it. There was a good reason to celebrate last Saturday. Well, there WAS. The qualifying run tired me out, and almost scared me thinking I cannot join the 2nd training climb but it's all good now. Party na naman sa bundok! Haha. Kasama ako sa Pico and I thought this was going to be as fun as our Manabu climb but things turned unexpectedly. The weather was a little rainy but fine when we left our assembly point. I had a nice nap during the trip to the jump-off point despite the teasing I got from JP while I was trying to sleep. When we got there, we rested for a while and waited for the tree-planting volunteers that we're going to guide. The weather became sunny and it looked like a good day to climb. Even if most of the participants we're "pasaways", the activity went off good. Then we started off to go to camp. The trail was muddy, it rained and the mountain is made of earth, what else should I expect. So it is, now I knew the climb was going to be hard. Reaching the campsite was easier comparing to what we had to do in Manabu. But that was just the campsite. It was still sunny when we started setting up at camp and pitched the tents. We had our quick lunch since we're already so off the schedule then we left camp and started of for the peak. Equiped with our assault pack, we trekked, and it rained as we went further.

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