Sunday, October 5, 2008

Let me say 'goodbye' one last time

This is a total waste of web space but I just have to say this, got to let this out of my system.

You have proven everyone, those who have spoken against you, those who have started hating what has been done to you, right all along. I'm so frustrated, upset and disappointed. They have changed you. You lost your beauty, your essence. I used to be proud of you but they have tainted your youth and spirit with close-mindedness, childish pride self-righteousness, and immaturity. Would you blame me now why I chose not to be part of you anymore? I don't even want to remember that I was a part of you. You are not who we thought you were. You are not who you used to be. You are not the you I used to know. The you that you were don't exist anymore. I tried my best to hold on to what I found in you, only to lose it along with the faith in you that I lost too. I walked away in silence because I thought you still deserve respect. I still have some friends in your care but, seems to me they are overpowered, they are overruled. You are all engrossed with yourselves, you forgot everyone else. I left because I lost my home in you.

I'm afraid I won't be here anymore if you need me. I cannot stay where I don't belong, I cannot be where I'm not needed. I guess this is goodbye.

No more GSK for me. For me, GSK is no more.

Goodluck na lang sa inyong lahat. Ingat kayo.

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